“When a man with a big fire has filled a sausage fat and blood and turns from one side to another, and expected with anxiety do not hesitate to roast … “
History and more…
The history of sausage began 3,500 years ago by the Babylonians, by filling animal intestines with spiced meats. Several other civilizations adopted, modified or created this delicacy. The Greeks gave it the name orya, and the Romans gave it the name salsus, origin of our word “sausage”. In the Odyssey, Homer sang the gastronomic excellence of the sausage, in which it is his first literary reference: “When a man by a great bonfire has stuffed a sausage with fat and blood and turns it from one side to the other, and waits with anxiety that it does not take long to roast…”
The decline of the sausage preceded that of the Roman Empire. According to the oldest Roman culinary treatise known, written in the year 228 AD, blood sausage or sausage was one of the favorite dishes at the “lupercales”, the festivals pagan annual festivals that were celebrated on February 15 in honor of the pastoral god Lupercus. The Church strong> suppressed lupercals and considered it sinful to eat sausages strong>, and when Constantine embraced Christianity in the 4th century he also prohibited their consumption. But, as would happen with Prohibition in the 20th century, the Roman populace indulged in the clandestine consumption of sausages so much that the authorities, considering it impossible to maintain the prohibition, They ended up lifting it.
The evolution of the thick sausage type blood sausage, until reaching the slender shape of the current hot dog, began during the Middle Ages. In various European cities, butcher guilds treasured regional formulas and produced their own shapes, sizes and brands of sausages, with names that denoted their places of origin. But shape and size were not the only outstanding national features.
Mediterranean countries specialized in hard, dry sausages, which would not spoil easily in the heat, and in Scotland oatmeal, common and abundant, was It became one of the first cereal fillings for sausages, initiating the practice, still in force, of relegating meat to the category of second ingredient.
In Germany, sausages were thick, soft and fatty, and it was in this country where the famous Frankfurt specialty was born, in the middle of the 19th century. . In 1852, the butchers’ guild of this city presented a spiced, smoked sausage wrapped in a thin, almost transparent casing.
Following tradition, the butchers named their creation “Frankfurter” in honor of their city, and gave their new, streamlined sausage a slightly curved shape. German folklore claims that this was done at the request of a butcher who owned a dachshund dog that was very popular in the city. He is supposed to have convinced his colleagues that a dachshund-shaped sausage would win the hearts of Frankfurters.
Three facts, however, are indisputable: the Frankfurt sausage was born in the 1850s in the German city of this name, it had a curved shape, and was known alternatively as “dachshund sausage”, a name that would reach America, where it would also acquire the popular name of “hot dog”.

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Pol. Ind. Fuente del Jarro
46988 Paterna (Valencia) – Spain